Schedule assessments in advance with precise timing, ensuring controlled access to assessments and reducing last-minute administrative tasks, helping to streamline the entire exam process.
Question feedback (explanation)
Improve student outcomes without requiring extensive grading follow-ups when you provide targeted, real-time insights on individual questions – helping students understand their mistakes, reinforcing learning at the question level, and addressing specific misunderstandings instantly.
Assessment feedback
Provide structured insights on specific assessment performance, highlighting strengths and areas for improvement, reducing confusion for students, and promoting a deeper understanding of the material.
Overall performance feedback
Deliver detailed, overarching performance insights to learners and administrators, offering a big-picture view that helps tailor instructional strategies and interventions, improving student success and engagement.
Analyze performance trends, compare outcomes, and present data in a format that drives decisions, enabling more strategic planning and better instructional outcomes.
Enhanced dashboard
Gain access to critical data and improve decision-making and instructional planning.
Result download
Conduct more profound analysis, share data with stakeholders, and maintain thorough records, making reporting and compliance easier.
Activity log
Track every real-time action and user activity on the platform, ensuring transparency and accountability.
Track progress toward curriculum outcomes by quickly tagging assessments with learning outcome goals – ensuring alignment between questions and specific educational objectives, streamlining curriculum management, and simplifying assessment validation.
Control access to future assessments by linking them to prior or completed assessment(s) with pre-requisite tagging. This will ensure students are well-prepared before moving forward, improving learning flow and reducing failure rates in subsequent assessments.
Freehand response
Give your learners the freedom to shine and bring their artistic ideas to life with freehand response. This will support critical thinking and advanced learning and eliminate the constraints of structured response formats.
Image zoom
Improve learner interaction with image-based questions by enlarging images within assessments, ensuring clarity and support for a better understanding of visual content without disrupting the evaluation flow.
SimplifiedIQ is an intuitive platform that enables educators to develop and administer tailored assessments, helping to gauge and enhance student learning.
What types of questions can be used in SimplifiedIQ?
SimplifiedIQ supports various question types, including multiple-choice, code challenges, comprehension, short answer, and essay questions, etc. allowing educators to design assessments that align with their teaching objectives. More assessment types are being added.
How does SimplifiedIQ grade assessments?
SimplifiedIQ grades assessments automatically for immediate feedback and can also accommodate manual grading to support comprehensive evaluation.
Does SimplifiedIQ provide data-driven insights?
Yes, SimplifiedIQ delivers powerful analytics and reporting features that provide insights into student performance, helping educators make informed decisions.
Can assessments be customized in SimplifiedIQ?
Absolutely! SimplifiedIQ allows educators to create customized assessments tailored to different subjects, grade levels, and learning objectives to provide personalized testing experiences.
Can students track their progress in SimplifiedIQ?
Students can monitor their progress on SimplifiedIQ, accessing their scores and personalized feedback to identify strengths and focus on areas for improvement.
Frequently Asked Questions
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